25 October 2013
Unleashing the Future of Open-source Enterprise Cloud Computing
by Ignacio M. Llorente

Keynote: Discovering the Bumpy Road to the Cloud
by Daniel Concepción

Keynote: Clone your Network with OpenNebula
by Thomas Higdon

Keynote: Enabling Scientific Workflows on FermiCloud using OpenNebula
by Steve Timm

Making Clouds: Turning OpenNebula into a Product
by Carlo Daffara

Leveraging OpenNebula for SMEs: Terradue’s Transition to DevOps Enabled Products and Services
by Emmanuel Mathot

Monitoring Large-scale Cloud Infrastructures with OpenNebula
by Simon Boulet

OpenNebula and Salt Stack
by Valentin Bud

Best Practices to Create Infrastructure Services in OpenNebula Using viapps
by Xavier González del Aguila

Contrail Virtual Execution Platform
by Yvon Jegou

Top Ten Security Considerations when Setting up your OpenNebula Cloud
by Nils Magnus

OpenNebula in a Multi-Customer-Environment
by Bernd Erk

26 October 2013
Keynote: Opening the Path to Technical Excellence
by Jordi Farrés

Keynote: CentOS and OpenNebula, a Perfect Match
by Karanbir Singh

Monitoring of OpenNebula installations
by Florian Heigl

How Can OpenNebula Fit Your Needs: A European Project Feedback
by Maxence Dunnewind

Adventures in Research
by Joel Merrick

Community Clouds from Scratch
bye Jordi Guijarro

High Performance Computing Cloud at SURFsara: Experiences with OpenNebula 3.x
by Ander Astudillo

rOCCI – Providing Interoperability through OCCI 1.1 Support for OpenNebula
by Boris Parak

Wrap-Up – Simplicity and Flexibility for your Enterprise Cloud
by Ruben S. Montero